Author Coaching with Christy Callahan *NEW*
Editorial Assessment 1.37 cents per word We will read and review your entire manuscript or portions thereof to evaluate flow, consistency, pace, and readability, then confer with you for 30 minutes regarding its strengths and weaknesses, ways to improve the writing, and the next steps needed to achieve Client’s long-term goals (or provide a written report). This is like a pre-edit that helps you polish your WIP (work in progress) in preparation for editing. After reviewing your manuscript, we will suggest which types of editing are appropriate for your manuscript. Mini Assessment | Read and review of up to 5,000 words ($50) GREAT WAY TO START Content (aka Substantive/Structural) Editing 4.12 cents per word We will identify structural and/or organizational problems and clarify and correlate parts of the manuscript to correct them (such as inserting headings or subheads); create a limited amount of new material on the basis of content and research that you supply (using APA- or Chicago-style documentation). For fiction this includes plot, setting, character development and other main elements. If the manuscript still has significant work areas, we will suggest a Line Edit (see below). Line Editing 4.12 cents per word We will improve the readability of your manuscript (including rewording material for clarity, changing passive constructions to active ones, and eliminating overused phrases). For fiction this includes topics such as POV (point of view), dialogue tags/action beats, and proper formatting of spoken vs. unspoken vs. indirect discourse. Copy Editing 2.75 per word For Christian fiction and nonfiction, Christy will correct mechanical errors (punctuation, usage, grammar, and spelling); make limited changes to formatting; create a style sheet; and check for typos and factual inconsistencies in quotes and Scripture passages. The author must specify the source of quotations and, if quoting the NIV version of the Bible, use the most current edition (2011). Proofreading 1.37 cents per word We will correct errors in punctuation, usage, grammar, and spelling; check for orphans and widows; and review the headers/footers and front/back matter of your book. Suitable for projects with fewer than two errors per page (in other words, the project has already been through the professional editing process). We can work off a PDF or in Word. Book Design and Conversion (Rates available upon request
Translation (Rates available upon request.) We offer French-to-English translation, editing in French for French-language clients, and proofreading translations from French into English. |
Take a step toward achieving your publishing goals.
Schedule a coaching session with Christy Callahan today! ONLY $50 Email us: [email protected] |